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The Louisville Cottage School is located on the Spring Meadows campus of the full-time Highlands Latin School in Louisville, Kentucky. The school meets Mondays and classes are offered in à-la-carte fashion. Courses offered include Latin, Classical Studies, Literature, Composition, and Science. In addition, Study Hall is offered during the Classical Studies and Literature blocks.

Courses are taught by HLS full-time faculty and class size is kept to a minimum teacher to student ratio, typically around ten to one. All instruction is provided in-class, with independent work being completed at home on the remaining days.


Address: 10901 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40243
Phone: 502-742-5462
Email: Rob Lewis, Director |

Course Offerings

View course descriptions here

Latin and Greek | 8:00 – 10:00
Latina Christiana | $375 | 3rd Grade
First Form Latin | $500 | 4th Grade
Second Form Latin | $500 | 5th Grade
Third Form Latin | $500 | 6th Grade
Fourth Form Latin | $500 | 7th Grade
Introduction to Latin (Henle I) | $500 | 7th Grade +
Henle II | $500 | 8th Grade +
First Form Greek | $500 | 7th Grade +

Classical Studies | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Famous Men of Rome | $375 | 3rd & 4th Grades
Famous Men of Greece | $375 | 5th & 6th Grades
Virgil & History of Ancient Rome | $375 | 7th and 8th Grade
Greek Tragedies | $375 | 9th+ Grades
English Literature | 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
English 3 | $500
English 4 | $500
English 5 | $500
English 6 | $500
English 7 | $500
English 8+ | $500
Logic | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
 Material Logic | $375 | 7th Grade +
Composition | 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Introduction to Composition | $375 | 3rd Grade
Fable Stage | $375 | 4th Grade
Narrative Stage | $375 | 5th Grade
Chreia and Maxim Stage | $375 | 6th Grade
Refutation and Confirmation Stage | $375 | 7th Grade
Biology | $500 | 9th Grade+
Chemistry | $375 | 10th Grade+
Physical Science | $375 | 8th Grade+
Study Hall

Study Hall | $50

Second Grade Program | 8:30 – 3:30 | $1400

The Highlands Latin Cottage School Second Grade program is a full-day class, meeting from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. with breaks for lunch and recess. The program will cover all 2nd grade subjects, including Latin, Literature, Penmanship, Phonics, Spelling, and Math. Class will be conducted in the Primary Building of the Spring Meadows Campus, but students may be dropped off at normal drop-off time with siblings in the Patrick Cottage.

2018-2019 Cottage School Calendar

View Calendar as PDF

Important Dates
  • August 17th – Meet the teacher (5:30p.m.), on campus in Cooke Hall (main building)
  • August 27th – First day of school
  • September 3rd – no classes in observance of Labor Day
  • November 19th – Fall/Thanksgiving Break, no classes
  • November 26th – Second Trimester begins
  • December 24th and 31st – Christmas Break, no classes
  • January 1st – New Years Day, no classes
  • March 4th – Spring Break
  • March 11th – Third Trimester begins
  • March 15th – National Latin Exam testing day (for Second Form Latin and above)
  • May 20th – Last day of classes

HLS Louisville Uniform Policy

  • Shirts should be either polo or button-down and have a collar; they can have long or short sleeves.
  • Shirts should be tucked in at the waist at all times.
  • Note: No emblems, logos, or insignias (except the small brand-name insignia that comes on some shirts).
  • Shorts should be solid-colored khaki (tan), brown, navy, gray, or black.
  • Shorts should extend to within an inch of the knee.
  • Note: No denim, stretch, spandex, or cargo-style shorts.
  • Slacks should be trouser-style, straight-legged slacks and should be worn with a solid-colored belt.
  • Slacks should be solid-colored khaki (tan), brown, navy, gray, or black.
  • Note: No denim or jean-style pants; no stretch, spandex, or yoga pants; no cargo-style pants; no sweatpants.
  • Skirts should be solid khaki (tan), brown, navy, gray, or black.
  • Skirts should be no shorter than one inch above the knee.
Socks / Shoes
  • Solid-colored (blue, black, brown, or white) knee socks or crew socks should be worn.
  • Conventional athletic shoes or standard school shoes are acceptable.
Sweater / Sweatshirts
  • Sweaters and sweatshirts must be solid-colored with no logos, emblems, or messages written on them.
  • A collared shirt (in accord with the guidelines above) should be worn under the sweater or sweatshirt at all times.