On behalf of the Highlands Latin School family all across the country, we here at Highlands Latin Fort Collins want you to know how thrilled we are that you’ve found your way here. Highlands Latin Fort Collins is one of eighteen (and counting!) different Highlands Latin Cottage Schools spanning every major region of the continental United States. Simply put, a cottage school is a homeschool support program that brings the distinctive culture and academic curricula of Highlands Latin School to families and communities far removed from the main campus in Louisville, KY.
HLS Fort Collins meets two days each week throughout the standard academic year (Aug–May), one full day and one half day. We currently offer instruction for Kindergarten through 6th grade, and provide a wide range of subjects. Day 1 covers the building blocks of Latin, English Literature, Classical Studies, and Composition, while day 2 supplements with Music, Art, Science, U.S. History, Physical Education, and Math games. Group instruction is provided in the classroom with parents providing individual, focused direction the remainder of week. Class size is kept to a minimum to increase participation and ensure that each student enjoys the benefits afforded by a high level of personalized attention.
Classical · Christian · Traditional
What are the HLS distinctives, anyway? We’re glad you asked! Our founder, Cheryl Lowe, liked to summarize them with the words classical, Christian, and traditional. In other words, our approach to education centers on learning classical languages and texts, anchors itself to the essentials of the Christian faith, and maintains the still unsurpassed learning environment that is the teacher-guided classroom.
Docere · Delectare · Movere
“To teach, to delight, to move.” The award-winning curricula developed by Memoria Press adopts this triumvirate of infinitives as its rallying cry, which is one of the many reasons we at HLS Fort Collins are so excited to use their material. It is their ambition as well as ours to make education not only the provision of instruction, but also a delight and a mobilizing force to those instructed. As the HLS mission statement says, “We seek to educate students to the highest standards of the classical tradition, so that they may grow in knowledge, wisdom, and the love of our Lord, and more ably use their gifts in the service of others and for the glory of Christ and the Church.” Knowledge, wisdom, love, and usefulness—these are goals we’re striving for in all that we do at HLS Fort Collins, and we’d love to have you and your family join in with us.
Email: Dawn Holmberg, Director | dawn@highlandslatin.org